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Ezekiel White
Ezekiel White

Download iOS 7 for iPhone and iPad - The Ultimate Guide

The firmware update will be available to all users with a compatible iOS device. iPhone owners using an iPhone 4, 4s or 5 will be able to grab hold of the new firmware for their devices, although some restrictions do apply to the iPhone 4 and 4s in terms of features. Owners of the second-generation iPad and above can also go through an OTA or iTunes download route with the same restrictions on older, less powerful tablets. The only iPod touch that is currently supported is the fifth-generation model.

2. Decide to Download Now or Later Not everyone will want to download iOS 7 right away. Why? Because the crush of users all trying to get it ASAP will likely crowd Apple's servers, making the operating system very slow to download.

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My iPhone Version is 6.1.4. I have latest version of iTunes installed. When i SHIFT click the Update button on iTunes and select the downloaded file, iTunes says my iPhone could not be updated because the firmware file is not compatible. Can you please guys tell me what i am doing wrong here. Please help.

Search for Dropbox in the App Store on an iOS 6/7 device and tap Download. The App Store will start the download and then prompt "Download an older version of this app? The current version requires iOS 8/9 or later, but you can download the last compatible version." The options will be to either "Cancel" or "Download."

If you have never previously installed Dropbox using this Apple ID, the App Store may not prompt you to download the older version (4.2.2 for iOS 7, 2.3.2 for iOS 6). Instead, you will only see an error "This application requires iOS 8/9 or later. You must update to iOS 8/9 in order to download and use this application." There are two workarounds in this case:

- If you have another iOS 8/9 device, you can install Dropbox on that device. Once installed, you can then go to the App Store on your iOS 6/7 device to install and will then be prompted to download the older version.

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- You can use iTunes on a computer to download Dropbox. This will download the incompatible iOS 8/9 version onto your device. Once that is complete, you can go onto the App Store on your mobile device and re-download Dropbox, and this time will be prompted for the older version (because now the app has been previously installed for that Apple ID account).

FortiPlanner helps you determine the ideal number FortiAP wireless access points (AP) for your premises recommends placement for optimum performance.This easy-to-use windows application lets you import your building floor plan and draw the walls and other obstructions that can impede with wireless signal. The program then places the right number of APs based on the type of wireless application you choose. The output of the tool is a comprehensive report that can be used to purchase the right number of FAPs as well as maps to aid installation.The free download can place up to 10 APs. More information and access to the full version can be found via the Fortinet Developer Network. More information on FNDN can be found here.

I am unable to download iOS 7 on my iPhone 3Gs. Why? I have iOS 6.1.6 and if I want to download "Find My iPhone", it requires iOS 7. I've tried to search on what else I can do, but cannot figure it out. I also have about 10 GB of free memory out of 13 GB.

I've use my iPAD to download fairly large portfolio files from students; prior to IOS 7, when slecting the appropriate tab, the download progress would be indicated in the Address bar, that does not happen in Safari IOS 7, should it or am I missing something?

Thanks for the reply, I've no problem with using Safari to download the files from whichever file sharing site the students choose (they can be anything between 50Mb and 500Mb). The 'old' IOS used to show a blue progress indicator in the address bar when i switched to the associated tab, I could continue to use Safari and just check on progress once in a while. As usual once the file has downloaded the tab changes to the 'Open in' option, I'm just used to seeing the download progress visually.

Actually, I have run into this problem just now as well. I am also distributing large files ranging from 50 MB to 300 MB at work. As you said, in iOS6, safari showed a blue progress bar advancing accross the address bar as the file downloaded, which was very nice. The progress bar in iOS7 safari appears to have moved to below the title of each individual tab. This progress bar advances when pages load, but it doesn't seem to advance when downloading a .zip file... And even though safari will eventually successfully complete the download, I agree, it's unnerving to wait 10 or sometimes 30 minutes just *assuming your file is downloading (which is not always the case given the shotty WiFi networks I deal with).

While I wouldn't call it a bug, I tend to think this was just an oversight in iOS7 Safari and I hope this is a feature that gets replaced in future iterations. I have tested a few other browsers. Mercury browser has nice download options (with a progress bar) and works for me. Dolphin, Chrome, and Atomic did not download my zip file. GoodReader also has a "Browse the Web" feature that downloads with a progress bar easily enough.

I've started to look at different browsers, Dolphin, Puffin and Mercury, but so far I've not come across the simplicity of Safari, download followed by Open in, I'll keep you updated if I find anything of use. A gentle nudge to the developers might help as well.

In a previous tutorial I presented a specific new multitasking feature in iOS 7, the Background Fetch, showing how easy it is to make an app to schedule downloads in the background. In this tutorial, I am going to work with another great multitasking feature, named Background Transfer Service.

Great flexibility and more power comes when the Background Transfer Service is combined with other multitasking features, such as the Background Fetch. For example, using the Background Fetch an app can schedule and initiate a download in the limited time that has at its disposal, and then using the Background Transfer Service to perform the actual data downloading.

When the Background Transfer Service gets in action, what is actually happening is that the operating system takes charge of all the download process, performing everything in background threads (daemons). While a download is in progress, delegates are used to inform the app for the progress, and wakes it up in the background to get more data if needed, such as credentials for logging in to a service. However, even though everything is controlled by the system, users can cancel all downloads at any time through the application.

Many times, the Background Transfer Service is synonymous with a new API introduced in iOS 7, the NSURLSession. This class actually replaces the NSURLConnection which was used until iOS 6, providing more features, flexibility and power when dealing with online content. With NSURLSession, three types of actions are allowed: File downloading and uploading, and data fetching (for instance, HTML or JSON). To communicate with online servers, it uses the HTTP (and HTTPS) protocol.

Let me underline at this point that a NSURLSessionDownloadTask task object can be either paused or totally stopped. In both cases, when talking about pausing or stopping, we actually talk about cancelling the task, with one great difference: In the first case the class produces data for resuming the downloading of a file, while in the second that does not happen. So, by adding the buttons described above in each table view cell, we will manage to resume, pause or stop each file download separately.

In this part of the tutorial we are going to perform two tasks: The first one is to declare some private properties in the ViewController class, as well as some constants, and the second is to initialize five FileDownloadInfo objects that will be used for handling all the download process.

Previously, we declared a private property named session, which is an object of the NSURLSession class, and now we are going to work with it. In order to create a session for initiating download or upload tasks either on the background or the foreground, another class must be used, and that is the NSURLSessionConfiguration class. Through this, various session properties and policies can be set, a list of which you can find here.

Earlier, when we designed the app interface in the Interface Builder, we declared some IBAction methods and we connected them to various subviews. To initiate, pause and resume a download task, we are going to use the startOrPauseDownloadingSingleFile: one. The steps we will make in it, are the following:

we locate the index of the appropriate FileDownloadInfo object in the arrFileDownloadData array, based on the task description of the downloadTask parameter object, and we use a local pointer to access it. The getFileDownloadInfoIndexWithTaskIdentifier: is a private method that we will implement in a while.


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